Thursday, February 3, 2011

Old Mayor - Old Mayor EP

Brighton, UK's Old Mayor formed in 2005.  A two piece sludge act that instantly caught my attention on the first listen.  Songs on this EP go from an eerie, creepy ambiance to an almost hellish sounding sludge metal with piercing screams and heavy, distorted guitars.  Old Mayor does a great job keeping it simple but allowing each song to be its own and interesting.  The riffs are menacing and the drum fills are thunderous. I dont know too much else about these guys but I am definitely looking forward to seeing what they have in store for the future, as should you.

Old Mayor - Old Mayor EP
1. Bridges
2. Bring In The Sleeper
3. Bag of Cats
4. 47 Stone Pig
5. Mancinis Barrow
6. The Ocean's Shame

HOAX - Demo 2010

Hoax are a band that recently formed in western Massachusetts that display the uglier, darker side of hardcore that I love most. It's direct, it's mean and it gives you nothing pretty or sincere in return for the straight-forward blend of music they deliver to the listener.  I just recently stumbled across this band from a post on a blog I frequent called I Could Die Tomorrow.  "Living On The Brink of Suicide," the final track on this demo, is  a song I can relate to during this cold, bleak winter that just doesn't seem to end here in western New York.  I highly recommend this record to the person that has been looking for a break but gets the door to the face. I recommend this to those who's nights drag on longer than the days without any salvation. Stick in there and take a listen, people can relate.

Hoax - Cassette Demo 2010
1. Stuck
2. Dead Weight
3. Suicide Pact
4. Imposter
5. Living On The Brink of Suicide